Fiber ArtsFest

September 29 & 30, 2023

Fiber ArtsFest is a celebration of the world of fiber that includes classes and a one-day vendor fair. The festival is held in September at the Huntingdon County Fairgrounds.

This year there are several full-day classes and several half-day classes. There are classes on a variety of fiber arts topics.

Classes are held on Friday and Saturday, September 29 &n 30.

The one-day vendor fair is on Saturday, September 30, in Johnson Hall at the Huntingdon County Fairgrounds.
Various vendors will be on hand, as well as demonstrations throughout the day, and a series of Make & Take Projects for you to try your hand at.

To check out the class schedule and costs and other information about Fiber ArtsFest, check out theĀ Fiber ArtsFest website.

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