Monthly Archives: August 2016

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Call for Entries: October Theme Show Open to All Artists


Once again, the Huntingdon County Arts Council invites all artists to submit to their work based on a theme for an exhibit this October. The theme this year is Explore, Reclaim and Conserve: Huntingdon County. McVeytown native and pioneering environmentalist Joseph Trimble Rothrock (1839 to 1922) was the father of Pennsylvania forestry and inspired our theme with his

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Director’s Cut: Take Two Exhibit Open Until Tuesday, August 30


A director’s cut is a specially edited creative work that represents the director’s own approved edit. While we are constantly curating works created by other artists, this show puts the Huntingdon County Art Council’s own board of directors on the spot showcasing our personal creations for public view. ARTISTS’ OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, August 19, 6-8pm ART

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