Monthly Archives: September 2016

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Art Walk Huntingdon to Feature Fiber ArtsFest Teachers


As part of Art Walk Huntingdon, a number of teachers from this coming weekend’s Fiber ArtsFest will be demonstrating some of their craft and projects. Come join us from 5 to 8 pm on Thursday, September 15 for this opportunity. Teacher schedule: 5 pm Yvonne Wilson 6 pm Marie Campbell & Shelley Shaffer 7 pm

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Mythologies in the Narratives Exhibit Opens September 9


An Opening Reception will be held today, Friday, September 9 from 6 to 8 pm for the exhibit Mythologies in the Narratives. The exhibit features paintings by J.E. Crum. Her paintings and drawings exaggerate color and combine imagery to tell personal narratives central to the artist’s experience. Crum’s work draws inspiration from a range of fantasy creatures and mythical beings, questioning the depiction of women

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Pennsylvania Heritage Musician to be Awarded to George Putt


At this year’s festival, Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering will honor Hesston resident George Putt as the 2016 Pennsylvania Heritage Musician. George Putt started playing music in grade school, and has always had a passion for music. Seven years ago George and his wife Sandy started hosting a jam at their home in Huntingdon County every

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Free Events at Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering


The 12th annual Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering kicks off today at Greenwood Furnace State Park to share and enjoy folk music. The weekend is full of workshops, concerts and a contradance. While musicians will want to sign up the full weekend of events (fee required, although individual workshops can also be purchased), there are 5 events

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Inaugural Art Walk Huntingdon Set for Thursday, September 15, 5 to 8 pm


An exciting new art promotion is set for beginning the third Thursday of every month, starting Thursday, September 15, from 5 to 8 pm. Art Walk Huntingdon is a special event celebrating the arts at local venues & businesses. Look for Art Walk flags for participating venues. The Arts Council’s event will feature demonstrations and interactions with some

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