Monthly Archives: October 2016

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Invitation to Sell Your Artwork at The Holiday Shoppe


The Huntingdon County Arts Council would like to extend an invitation to you to sell your artwork at our 2016 Holiday Shoppe– an annual artists’ market hosted by the Huntingdon County Arts Council at our Art Space in downtown Huntingdon. This year the Shoppe will run from December 2-23.  Drop Off: November 28 & 29,

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Explore, Reclaim, and Conserve: Huntingdon County Exhibit Open


The current exhibit at The Art Space is a unique exhibit that is the result of a Call for Entries to area artists. Based on the theme, Explore, Reclaim, and Conserve: Huntingdon County, our artist community responded big time. Forty-eight artists submitted 134 pieces of art to create a terrific show. Artwork on display includes paintings, photography, jewelry, basketry, poetry,

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Art Walk Huntingdon October 20: Fish Prints for Young & Old


Join us to create your own Gyotaku art. the traditional Japanese method of printing fish, a practice which dates back to the mid-1800s. This form of nature printing may have been used by fishermen to record their catches, but has also become an art form of its own. Celina Steftas, District Manager of the Huntingdon

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