Monthly Archives: December 2016

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Holiday Shoppe Open Wednesday & Thursday, December 28 & 29


So you have opened your presents, spread your holiday cheer to family and friends, and now . . . it’s time to spoiled yourself. Yes, the Holiday Shoppe will be open just for you this Wednesday and Thursday, December 28 & 29, from 12 to 6 pm. Pick up some wonderful ceramics from Jack Troy, Carolanne Currier, Sally Frehn, Rob Boryk,

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Holiday Shoppe Open


Tuesdays thru Fridays, 12 to 6 pm Saturdays, 10 am to 4 pm The Huntingdon County Arts Council’s annual Holiday Shoppe showcases artwork from a wide variety of local artists. Artwork is on display from 37 different artists, ranging from jewelry, ceramics, paintings, fabric art and lots more. Many new items have been added in the last

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Thursday, December 15–Meet the Artists/Chocolate Demo


Join us Thursday, December 15, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Meet the Holiday Shoppe Artists and a special Chocolate Demonstration by Renee Berger. Join us to have a chance to meet some of the artists who create the artwork for sale at the Holiday Shoppe. We currently have 37 different artists with work

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