Monthly Archives: January 2017

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Local Fiber Exhibit Opens Friday, February 3 at 6 pm


Works of local fiber artists, spanning from the artistic to the practical, will be on display as part of a new exhibit Local Fiber. The world of fiber arts encompasses a wide range of techniques and skills, and works on display include weaving, knitting, quilting, cross stitch, embroidery, and more. The exhibit will be on display

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Map of shuttle for Art Walk Huntingdon

Art Walk Huntingdon Offers FREE Shuttle Service


Art Walk Huntingdon participants will now be able to us a FREE shuttle service to get from one of the twelve Art Walk Huntingdon venues for both January and February Art Walks. Thanks to a grant from Standing Stone Coffee company, Maidens Taxi Service will using it van of offer FREE rides to Art Walk

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Call for entries for Adams County Arts Council’s Annual Juried Exhibition at Gettysburg College


The Adams County Arts Council invites submissions to its 14th Annual Juried Art Exhibition, June 1 – June 23, 2017, in Schmucker Art Gallery, Gettysburg College. Any person over the age of 18 is eligible to submit work for consideration by juror Barbara McNulty, Director of the Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery, Lebanon Valley College

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Thursday, January 19–Bike Anatomy


Join us Thursday, January 19, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Bike Anatomy with Jake Weller. Jake Weller, mechanic at Rothrock Outfitters in downtown Huntingdon, will be at The Art Space to demonstrate the attractive and artistic process of building bicycle wheels. Come watch this unique version of performance art, ask

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Sardines Exhibit Opens Friday, January 6, 6 to 8 pm


Brooklyn based illustrator, designer, writer, photographer, and pretzel smith Mike Shea will exhibit his imaginative illustrations in a show called Sardines at The Art Space from January 7 to 31. There will be a reception on Friday, January 6 from 6 to 8 pm to open the exhibit. Light refreshments will be served. Mike Shea

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