Monthly Archives: February 2017

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Art of Glass Exhibit Opens Friday, March 3 at 6 pm


The Art of Glass, a new exhibit of mosaics by Elizabeth Klevens, opens with an Opening Reception on Friday, March 3, from 6 to 8 pm. Elizabeth Klevens, a Pittsburgh native, grew up exploring various forms of art and has always had a lifelong love for creating. Glass has become the central theme for her

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Original Poem Now Displayed in Poetry Post


The Poetry Post, our display board attached to the outside of The Art Space, has a new original poem. Ginny Gill has written a poem Crows Make Me Smile. The next time you are at The Art Space, take a minute and see if the poem makes you smile! Thanks Ginny.

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Thursday, February 16–Printmaking


Join us Thursday, February 16, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Printmaking with Ryan Gibboney. Ryan Gibboney, a talented graphic artist and member of the Juniata College faculty, will be at The Art Space to lead simple printmaking projects. Try your hand using a variety of assorted materials to both

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