Monthly Archives: April 2017

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Support the Library & Arts Council: Chair-ity Auction, Wednesday, May 3, 6:30pm


The Huntingdon County Library and the Huntingdon County Arts Council have teamed up for a joint fundraising event. We invited area artists to decorate some old library chairs, and we have 15 chairs that we will be auctioning off with a silent auction on Wednesday, May 3 at 6:30 pm at the library. The library

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Spring Thaw Awards Ceremony: Saturday, April 29 at 3 pm


Mayfest is a great time to be in Huntingdon. It is also a great time to stop into The Art Space and take a last look at Spring Thaw, our annual Youth Art & Writing Exhibition. That’s right: Saturday, April 29 is the last day for Spring Thaw. And at 3 pm we hold our

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Thursday, April 20- Celebrate National Poetry Month


Our Art Walk Huntingdon special event for April is Celebrate National Poetry Month at The Art Space. We will have kids’ activities and readings from 5 to 7 pm, and a poetry reading/open mic from 7 to 8 pm. Feel free to bring your own poetry to workshop from 5:00-7:00 pm or share during our

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Spring Thaw Opening Reception


An Opening Reception will be held Friday, April 7 from 6 to 8 pm for our annual Spring Thaw Youth Art & Writing Exhibition. Every year the Huntingdon County Arts Council invites area youth to showcase their artistic talent. And boy, did they response this year. We have 209 pieces, from kindergarten to high school seniors, and from schools throughout

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