Monthly Archives: May 2017

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Folk College Concerts Open to the Public, May 26 & 27


Folk College brings top caliber musicians to Huntingdon, and 2 concerts are open to the public. The concerts take place at Halbritter Center for Performing Arts on the Juniata College campus in Huntingdon, PA. The concerts are open to the public with tickets available at the door. Friday, May 26, 2017 Concert 7:00 p.m. Faculty Concert

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Folk College, A Great Weekend of Music, May 26-28


Folk College is three days of playing and listening to folk music in a fun and friendly environment! For 18 years Folk College has fostered and often rekindled the love for music in a non-competitive environment with classes, instruction, concerts and fellowship for all instruments and skill levels. Folk College offers a level of music engagement

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Painter Jennifer Hartzler’s Melange Exhibit Opens


Melange, a new exhibit of paintings by Jennifer Hartzler, in on display at The Art Space during the month of May. Jennifer Hartzler, a native of Central PA, is classically trained in representational art. Her paintings often display a strong sense of humor as she carefully crafts her composition, employing both the figure and light as

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Folk College Preview, Thursday, May 18, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, May 18, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Folk College Preview. Holly Foy and Jerry Trusty will be on hand to play music, teach how to play a ukulele, and sing a song or two. Here is a schedule for the evening: 5 pm Try a

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