Monthly Archives: August 2017

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Plein Air Painting by Harlan Ritchey at Art Walk Huntingdon August 17


Artist Harlan Ritchey will be demonstrating Plein Air Painting at Art Walk Huntingdon at The Art Space on Thursday, August 17 from 5 to 8 pm.   Plein air is used to describe the act of painting outdoors. Harlan is a gifted painter from State College that has participated in many exhibits at The Art

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Myriad Exhibit Opens August 4 to 29


A new exhibit entitled Myriad opens at The Art Space on August 4. Michael Dietz, Sally Frehn, and Ginny Gill combine their artistic talents to present this dynamic exhibit. The trio of local artists’ complimentary gifts in metal, ceramics, painting, and other media result in a delightful exhibit of creative vision and artistic expression. Come meet

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