Monthly Archives: November 2017

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Your Invited: Arts Council’s Annual Meeting & Holiday Shoppe Preview


We would like to invite all Arts Council members to the  Annual Meeting & Holiday Shoppe Preview on Thursday, November 30 at 7 p.m. at The Art Space. Per our By-Laws, “During the Annual Meeting, the general membership will receive annual reports, elect new officers and Board members, and give direction for the future.” Executive

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Support Your Arts Council


We love sharing art and encouraging art. Our mission is to encourage and promote artistic and cultural activities in Huntingdon County. The joy on the face of a young student as she sees her artwork on display at our Spring Thaw. A sense of wonder as a visitor views a unique piece of art at

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Learn to Hand Color a B&W Photo, Thursday, November 16, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, November 16, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Learn to Hand Color a Black & White Photo. James Pingry will demonstrate and assist in guiding you to take a black and white photograph and paint color to the photo. Hand-colored photographs were very popular in

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Travels Near & Far Exhibit Opens Friday, November 3


Travels Near & Far is an exhibit showcasing photography by members of The Camera Club. The club is a small, diverse group of amateur photo enthusiasts who meet once a month at The Art Space. The exhibition will include photographs of a wide range of subjects with each member displaying their favorite images. A special feature

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