Monthly Archives: December 2017

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Meet the Holiday Shoppe Artists


Join us Thursday, December 21, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Meet the Holiday Shoppe Artists This year’s 7th annual Holiday Shoppe features features artwork from 37 individual artist plus the Redbud Quilt Guild. Their outstanding creations includes lots of ceramics, paintings, photography, fiber art, books, music CD’s, jewelry,

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Holiday Shoppe Is Open: Great Gifts Available


Open Tuesdays to Fridays, Noon to 6 pm Open Saturdays, 10 am to 4 pm The Holiday Shoppe is open, with this year’s Holiday Shoppe featuring a terrific lineup of great artwork. If you are looking for some unique gift items for this holiday season, make sure to stop and visit the 7th annual Holiday Shoppe at

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