Monthly Archives: January 2018

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Striation Exhibit Opens Friday, February 2


The Huntingdon County Arts Council is pleased to present Striation, an exhibit welcoming two artists from outside our community — Scranton, PA’s Kathy Nazar and western Maryland-based Annie Simcoe. Both artists celebrate traditions and push the boundaries of watercolors, textiles, photography, natural fibers, and handmade paper. Their work explores the vibrance of flora and fauna, history, culture,

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Folk College Named One of Top Music Camps


Folk College has been named one of the top 25 summer music camps in the February issue of Acoustic Guitar Magazine! Folk College is a joint project of Simple Gifts and the Huntingdon County Arts Council and held Memorial Day weekend at Juniata College and proudly brings top talent to Huntingdon every year. This year’s Folk College will

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Intro to Quilt Making Class Offered


The Redbud Quilt Guild will be conducting several classes on an Intro to Quilt Making. All classes will be held at The Art Space and are free to Redbud Quilt Guild members and Arts Council members. The first class will be on Tuesday, January 23 from 6 to 8:30 pm. A second class is scheduled

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Acrylic Landscape Painting Demo, Thursday, January 18, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, January 18, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Acrylic Landscape Painting Demo with Kelly Kozora. Kelly Kozora, former owner of Studio 115 in Huntingdon, is an artist and has conducted many “Painting Classes” in recent years. She will demonstrate her talent and effective techniques

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Front Page Views Exhibit Open


Front Page Views is an exhibit showcasing photography by the Newsroom Staff of The Daily News. As journalists at a small-town newspaper, each reporter of the Newsroom Staff of The Daily News is also charged with capturing compelling photographs to accompany their written work. From tragedy to triumph, they are often there to document moments in Huntingdon County

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