Monthly Archives: March 2018

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Spring Thaw 2018 Info & Rules


We invite K-12 students to submit their art and writing to the Huntingdon County Arts Council’s annual Spring Thaw, a juried Youth Art & Writing Exhibition. The exhibit will be open to the public from April 13 to 28, 2018 at  The Art Space, 212 4th Street, Huntingdon. Art Submissions: Tuesday & Wednesday, April 10 & 11,

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Make A Collage Thursday, March 15, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, March 15, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Make a Collage with Norm Wilson. Retired Mount Union art teacher and Huntingdon County Arts Council board member Norm Wilson will showcase his own creative collages. He will guide participants in collage techniques to assist them

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Circle of the Bygone Exhibit Opens Friday, March 9


Huntingdon native Brynda Glazier’s artwork is rooted in ceramic sculpture, but also ranges from oil painting, drawing, collage, photography, video and most recently, to performance and sound installation. Glazier’s figures and environments navigate the constructs of sublime beauty, inescapable monstrosity, and the complexities that occur within a constantly dueling existence. Her work was selected for

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