Monthly Archives: August 2018

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Join the Music Fest at Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering


Friday, September 7 to Sunday, September 9 Be part of Pennsylvania’s living musical tradition at Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering, as you enjoy playing, singing, jamming, dancing, listening, learning and sharing your enthusiasm for folk music. Whether you are a non-musician or an advanced player, you will find activities to suit your interests.  We offer workshops

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Register for Fiber ArtsFest Classes


Learn a new skill and take your craft up a notch or two at Fiber ArtsFest 2018. There are two days of classes and a one-day Vendor Marketplace (on Saturday, September 15). You can choose from 15 different classes over the two day event on Friday, September 14 and Saturday, September 15. All classes are

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Envelope Art, Thursday, August 16, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, August 16, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Envelope Art. Envelope Art will be making collages with used privacy envelopes. (Privacy envelopes are the ones with colored designs inside so people can’t see what’s in the envelope.) Practically any age can do this including

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Camera Club Exhibit, August 3 to 25


The Camera Club’s 5th annual exhibit From A Different Perspective is currently on display at The Art Space from August 3 to 25. Fourteen members of the club have photos on exhibition. One special feature of the exhibit is the showcasing of the winners of the club’s monthly photo contest. The club meets monthly (usually the fourth

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Crooked Line, Concerts on the Quad: August 2


The fifth concert and final concert of the Concerts on the Quad music series on Thursday, August 2 will be Crooked Line, bringing their bluegrass and original songs to the stage. This concert is sponsored by Thomson’s Candle Company. BECAUSE OF THE RAIN, THE CONCERT HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE STONE CHURCH, 1623 MOORE STREET.

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