Monthly Archives: November 2018

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Holiday Shoppe Open


The Huntingdon County Arts Council’s annual Holiday Shoppe is open to offer unique gifts for this holiday season from area artists. The Shoppe is open 10 am to 6 pm daily, Monday to Saturday. The Shoppe features a wide array of locally produced art & hand-crafted items for sale. Please support our local artists and

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Your Donation on #GivingTuesday Helps Support the Arts Council


We love sharing art and encouraging art. Our mission is to encourage and promote artistic and cultural activities in Huntingdon County. The joy on the face of a young student as she sees her artwork on display at our Spring Thaw. A sense of wonder as a visitor views a unique piece of art at

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You’re Invited: Arts Council’s Annual Meeting & Holiday Shoppe Preview


The Arts Council will hold its an Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 29 at 7 p.m. at The Art Space. The Annual Meeting is open to all current members of the Huntingdon County Arts Council. Per our By-Laws, “During the Annual Meeting, the general membership will receive annual reports, elect new officers and Board members,

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