Monthly Archives: August 2019

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Closing Reception, By Foot Exhibit Friday, August 23


Join us at a closing reception for the “By Foot” exhibition, featuring photography by Sarah Anne Wharton in partnership with Fair Shake Environmental Legal Services. Fair Shake CEO Emily Collins will be on hand to describe the important legal advocacy work her organization does to highlight the people and places of the Appalachian Basin impacted

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Chalk the Walk, Thursday, August 15, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, August 15, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Chalk the Walk with Southern Huntingdon Art Teacher Olivio Gennaro. Help decorate our sidewalk (and maybe even the parking lot) under the guidance of an expect chalk artist, Huntingdon County’s own and very talented Olivio Gennaro. Olivio

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The BY FOOT exhibit


Come to the Art Space and see our July/August exhibit BY FOOT by The Fair Shake Project. This exhibit aims to highlight people and places of the Appalachian basin impacted by extractive industries and degradation.  “When you travel a place by foot, perspective shifts from outsider to insider. Once that shift happens, you become a

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