Monthly Archives: October 2019

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A Passion for Light Exhibit Opening Reception


You are invited to the Opening Reception for the Camera Club’s A Passion for Light Exhibit. For the sixth year in a row, members of the Camera Club will share their photographs.   The club is a small, diverse group of amateur photo enthusiasts who generally meet the fourth Thursday of the month at The

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Pastel Painting Demo, Thursday, October 17, 5 to 8 pm


Join us Thursday, October 17, as the Huntingdon County Arts Council participates in Art Walk Huntingdon with a very special event: Pastel Painting Demo with John Sullivan. John Sullivan displayed his paintings at the September exhibit Observations. He will show you his pastel techniques and lend a hand to get you started. And you can also come

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Bash Has Wide Array of Silent Auction Items


As part of the second annual Monster Mash Halloween Bash, a fundraiser for the Huntingdon County Arts Council, an army of items will be available via a Silent Auction. The event is on Saturday, October 19. For more information on the Monster Mash Halloween Bash is available via this link. Here is a sampling of some

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