Monthly Archives: June 2020

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Summer 2020 Newsletter


Check out all of the latest from the Huntingdon County Arts Council with our Summer 2020 newsletter. HCAC 2020 Summer Newsletter

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How the Pandemic is Affecting Local Artists and Performers


The COVID-19 virus pandemic has affected just about everyone in the country in some way. The shutdown of nonessential activities in Pennsylvania in March, in particular, created challenges for many artists and musicians. Several local artists spoke with us recently about how social distancing and stay-at-home restrictions have affected their creative work and activities. Jack

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Poem by Jack Troy: Befriending a Nameless Stream


Befriending a Nameless Stream “The impeded stream is the one that sings.”  Wendell Berry   I am of two minds about the stream running beside the path I’ve walked for forty years. Early on, we were level with one another but here it’s carved a narrow gorge deeper than I am tall; an easy leap

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An Important Message from the Huntingdon County Arts Council


Dear Fellow Arts Council Members: I am writing to apprise you of forthcoming changes at the Huntingdon County Arts Council. It will come as no surprise that the Council’s activities and budget have suffered along with those in the private and public sectors. The cancellation of Folk College, our collaborative fundraiser with the County Library,

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We Have Changed Our Membership


We recently made some changes to our memberships: All memberships will begin on April 1 and end on March 31 the following year. Members will now receive a membership card that can be used to obtain multiple discounts. In particular, you can use the membership card to receive a 10% discount on all items sold at The Art

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