Monthly Archives: September 2020

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Plein Air Painting Workshops Exhibit Held


During the month of September, a group of individuals have been participating in ten Plein Air Painting Workshops lead by artist Evgeny Krayushin. The group has painted at five different sites in Huntingdon and they are ready to showcase their artwork.  Their artwork was on display in a special one-day only exhibit on Thursday, October 1. The socially distanced art exhibit was

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Virtual Ton of Bricks Festival: Saturday, October 3


The Ton of Bricks Festival, celebrating and sharing the Mount Union area’s heritage, cultural, and future, will be a virtual event this Saturday, October 3! The Ton of Bricks Festival will kickoff starting at 9 am and will include live events via their Facebook page, pre-recoded events available on their website, and encourages attendees to participate in a

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Still Room at Plein Air Painting Workshops


The Plein Air painting workshops have started, but it is not to late to join the group. Led by Evgeny Krayushkin, the workshops are an open paint event, with guidance from Evgeny. Canvases, paper, and painting supplies (acrylic paint medium only) are provided free by the Perry County Council for the Arts and Pennsylvania Council

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