Monthly Archives: October 2020

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Huntingdon Painters Exhibit: 8 Women, 400 Years Combined Experience

Category:Exhibits,Juniata College

An exhibit, Huntingdon Painters: 400 Years Combined Experience, opened Thursday, October 1 at the Juniata College Museum of Art. This exhibit is a joint project of the Juniata College Museum of Art and the Huntingdon County Arts Council. Eight Huntingdon area artists present their artwork–a group of artists who have connected over the years by their love of art in

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Invitation to Sell Artwork at Holiday Shoppe 2020


The Huntingdon County Arts Council would like to invite to you to sell your artwork at our 2020 Holiday Shoppe—our annual artists’ market. This year the Holiday Shoppe will be located at the McConnellstown Playhouse, 11680 Raystown Road (Route 26 South), Huntingdon. This year the Holiday Shoppe will open on Black Friday, November 27, and

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Tick . . . Tick . . . Tick . . . Time is Running Out!


Don’t miss out on your chance for some bargains and showing your support for the Huntingdon County Arts Council at the same time. We have a great array of items at our Virtual Silent Auction. But time is winding down . . . all bidding ends at 7 pm this Saturday, October 31. Here is the link to

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Virtual Silent Auction Opens–Support the Arts Council


The Huntingdon County Arts Council is hosting a virtual Silent Auction. While we are not hosting an in-person Monster Mash Halloween Bash this year, we are keeping the Silent Auction. Some of your favorite artists have donated items, along with businesses and friends. While we are STILL receiving items, you can Review the Items, Make a

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Art Walk Huntingdon Back in October


After a 7 month hiatus, Art Walk Huntingdon was back for the month of October, 2020! Art Walk Huntingdon was held on Thursday, October 15, from 5 to 8 pm. Art Walk was concentrated on 2 venues in uptown Huntingdon with careful physical distancing protocols. Standing Stone Coffee Company hosted live music in its courtyard along with

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Items Needed for Monster Mash Halloween Bash Silent Auction


The Huntingdon County Arts Council is once again hosting our Monster Mash Halloween Bash. This year, of course, will be a little different. We will hold our Silent Auction, but we will conduct the auction virtually. The silent auction will help raise badly needed funds to support the Huntingdon County Arts Council. We hope that

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