Monthly Archives: March 2021

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It’s Membership Renewal Time


Yes, memberships for the Arts Council for 2021 start on April 1st. Please renew your membership today to help support our efforts to provide arts and cultural opportunities in Huntingdon County. Click this link to Renew Today.   All memberships begin on April 1 and end on March 31 the following year. Members will receive

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Participate in a Survey on the Arts


Juniata College has created the Community Arts Participation survey to gather information about how our community interacts with the arts generally,  and the Juniata College Museum of Art specifically. All responses are anonymous. The information we gather will help us better serve our constituents. Please share your views by clicking the link below: JCMA Community Survey  

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Announcing Spring Thaw 2021


We are excited to invite K to 12 students to submit their art and writing to Spring Thaw 2021, a juried Youth Art & Writing Exhibition by the Huntingdon County Arts Council. The exhibit will be open to the public at our new temporary location at the Playhouse at McConnellstown. Art Submissions Monday & Tuesday, April 26 &

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Art Contest Open to All: Theme–Discover What’s Under Your National Park


Huntingdon’s own Lincoln Caverns is proud to partner with The National Park Service and International Year of Caves and Karst (IYCK) partners in sponsoring an art contest to celebrate the International Year of Caves and Karst in 2021. The theme for the art contest is: “Discover what’s under your (National Park) feet.” We would like

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