Monthly Archives: August 2021

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The Art Station at the Huntingdon County Fair will display art & photography during the fair

We Need Fair Hosts


We are looking for volunteers to sit at the Art Station as host during the fair for 1 and 2 hours. Each volunteer gets a ticket to get into the fair free that day. If you are interested, fill you name on the schedule when you drop off your artwork on Saturday, or call us

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Put Your Art & Photography in the Fair


The Huntingdon County Fair is happening–August 8 to 14! The Huntingdon County Arts Council runs Department 19, Art & Photography. Entries for art & photography will be accepted Saturday, August 7, from 11 am to 5 pm at the Art Station on the fairgrounds (right next to the Midway Stage). You may enter 1 (and only 1) entry

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