Monthly Archives: October 2022

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Holiday Shoppe Offers Unique Items


Once again, the Huntingdon County Arts Council is hosting its annual Holiday Shoppe. And while the Holiday Shoppe will continue to support both our local artists and the Huntingdon County Arts Council featuring a wide array of unique, locally produced art & hand-crafted items, the BIG NEWS is that it will be the largest Holiday

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Last 2 Days of Holiday Shoppe 2022


Just 2 more days to shop Holiday Shoppe 2022.   Do you still need a present for Aunt Mabel? Or now that you have bought presents for everyone else do you just want to spoil yourself? Well, you still have 2 more days to visit the Holiday Shoppe.   We are open this Monday, Tuesday,

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Invitation to Sell Artwork at Holiday Shoppe 2022


The Holiday Shoppe is your opportunity to sell your artwork and support the Huntingdon County Arts Council. We will hold our annual Holiday Shoppe in a greatly expanded format in the gallery exhibit space at the new Huntingdon County Arts Center, 313 12th Street, Huntingdon. This year the Holiday Shoppe will open even earlier than last year, opening on Wednesday, November

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You Are Invited to the Arts Council’s Annual Meeting


The Arts Council will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, December 14 at 7 p.m. at Huntingdon County Arts Center.The Annual Meeting is open to all current members of the Huntingdon County Arts Council. Per our By-Laws, “During the Annual Meeting, the general membership will receive annual reports, elect new officers and Board members, and

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Art Walk Huntingdon November 17


Join us for Art Walk Huntingdon on Thursday, November 17 from 5 to 8 pm. The Huntingdon County Arts Council has the Holiday Shoppe open and for an art activity, Marilyn Ogof will show you how to make your own origami bat. Art Walk activities at other Art Walk Venues: Huntingdon Area High School: 5

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Simple Gifts in Concert Sunday


Simple Gifts, one of Pennsylvania’s most popular folk acts, will be performing in Huntingdon on Sunday, November 13 at 2 pm. This versatile duo plays an impressive array of instruments, including the violin, mandolin, hammered dulcimer, recorder, banjo, guitar, bowed psaltery, baritone fiddle, shruti box, banjolin, guitjo, and doumbek.  Simple Gifts’s performances range across a

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Cantus Vocal Ensemble Free Mini Concert


A free performance by Cantus will be held at the Huntingdon County Arts Center on Saturday, November 12 at 1 pm. One of the nation’s few full-time vocal ensembles, the low-voice ensemble Cantus is widely known for its trademark warmth and blend, innovative programming, and riveting performances of music ranging from the Renaissance to the

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Picture This Exhibit by Camera Club on Display Now


Once again, the Huntingdon Camera Club showcases photographs of a wide range of subjects, with nine members displaying some of their favorite images. A unique feature will show the winners of the club’s monthly theme-based Photo Contest. The club is a small, diverse group of amateur photo enthusiasts who generally meet on the fourth Thursday

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Free Holiday Concert, Sunday, December 4, 2 pm


To help everyone get in the holiday mood this year, the Huntingdon County Arts Council is organizing a free Holiday Variety Show. The show will take place at the Huntingdon County Arts Center on Sunday, December 4 at 2 p.m. The event will feature a mix of local performers and types of entertainment, all with winter

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Paint a Pumpkin at Art Walk Huntingdon


Join us at Art Walk Huntingdon, Thursday, October 20, from 5 to 8 pm, at the new Huntingdon County Arts Center, (formerly the 12th Street Methodist Church), at the corner of 12th & Mifflin St, Huntingdon.It is time to show your creativity and Paint a Pumpkin. Other venues are also participating in Art Walk Huntingdon.

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