Monthly Archives: December 2022

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Andrew Greene, ragtime pianists

Andrew Greene in Concert, Sunday, January 22, at 2 pm


Andrew Greene will perform a ragtime piano music concert. Andrew Greene is an accomplished ragtime pianist and scholar of ragtime music. He has performed at many prestigious venues in the United States, including the Kennedy Center, the West Coast Ragtime Festival, and The Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival. He also is the Founder, Conductor, and Director

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Now Open: History Through the Lens of Blair Shore Exhibit


The exhibit History Through the Lens of Blair Shore is now on display at the Huntingdon County Arts Center. Blair Shore was a photographer with the Huntingdon Daily News for over three decades, beginning in the late 1940s. His photographs provide an intriguing historical record of newsworthy happenings, people, and buildings in our area. A large

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