Monthly Archives: December 2023

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Check out the Exquisite Work at the Threading the Needle Exhibit


The Threading the Needle exhibit by the Huntingdon Chapter of the Embrodierers’ Guild is on display now. The exhibit displays the works of members of the chapter. The exhibit is at Huntingdon County Arts Center, 313 12th Street, Huntingdon. The exhibit is open through Saturday, February 3. The Huntingdon County Arts Center is open Tuesday through

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Art Walk Huntingdon This Thursday


Art Walk Huntingdon will be on Thursday, February 15th! Be sure to look for our mascot, Artie Walker. If you take a selfie with Artie and post it on Facebook, Instagram, or X (Twitter) with the hashtags: #IFoundArtie and #ArtWalkHdon, you could win a prize from Artie’s basket at the next Art Walk! Make Friendship Bracelets

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Check Out the Winter Newsletter


Check out the latest from the Huntingdon County Arts Council in our new Winter 2023/2024 newsletter. Inside you will find: Art Council Gears Up for 2024  Holiday Shoppe Time to Renew Memberships Annual Meeting December 13, 7 pm Capital Campaign Contributors Attend an Exhibit Chris Shook: Painter & Conservationist Recent Events Upcoming Events Benefits of Art for Children 

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Holiday Shoppe Open 4 Days After Christmas


The Holiday Shoppe is open for 4 more days: Tuesday, December 26 to Friday, December 29, from 10 am to 6 pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase unique, handcrafted items from local artists.

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A Special Evening: Silent Film Night with Live Music


Saturday, January 27, 7 pm An unforgettable evening will take place at the Huntingdon County Arts Center on Saturday, January 27, when Andrew Greene provides live piano music to accompany several short, classic silent films. Andrew is one of the country’s leading authorities on silent film accompaniment. He also is an incredibly talented pianist who specializes

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Artists Needed


Calling All Artists We are asking artists in our area to paint or otherwise decorate old chairs for the Arts Council. Decorated chairs will be displayed in the Arts Center gallery, starting on February 9, then auctioned on March 2 as a fundraiser for the Arts Council. If you are an artist and would like

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