Monthly Archives: January 2024

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Raystown Woods Concert Saturday, February 17


The Raystown Woods concert scheduled for Saturday, February 17, has been postponed because of the weather.Check back for details. The Raystown Woods, a new woodwind choir, is pleased to present its first-ever performance on Saturday, February 17, at the Huntingdon County Arts Council building, 313 12th Street, Huntingdon. The concert is open to the public.The

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Join Us for a Night of “Blues” Music


Art Cat Blues Club, February 24 SOLD OUT! On Saturday, February 24, the Art Cat Blues Club will feature an evening of blues and traditional American music from four outstanding musicians.  Richard Sleigh is a high-octane blues musician who has performed on stage with Bo Diddely, Taj Mahal, Paquito D’Rivera, and many other well known artists.

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