Art Walk Huntingdon: Thursday, September 16, 5 to 8 pm

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Art Walk Huntingdon: Thursday, September 16, 5 to 8 pm

Art Walk Huntingdon will be Thursday, September 16, 2021. This month, Art Walk venues include Standing Stone Coffee Company, Juniata College Museum of Art, Huntingdon Area High School, Huntingdon Library, and the Juniata Brewing Company.
Standing Stone Coffee Company will be hosting a Paint a Rock activity with the Huntingdon County Arts Council and will have live music by Jack Servello of Acoustic Express.
Juniata College Museum of Arts is inviting participants to celebrate their newly renovated space and reopening! They will be having light refreshments and snacks available.
The Huntingdon Area High School is inviting participants for a community showing of their students Stomper Project statue! The Stomper Project was started by the Jana Marie foundation with their main focus being on mental health. The people of this organization work to spread awareness as well as educate about mental health and create open discussions surrounding it. The foundation has been going to different schools and using their project to help spread their message. They recently brought their project to Huntingdon Areas High School. The project itself is a sculpture of a person created collaboratively by the Jana Marie Foundation and the high school, it’s then covered with shoe parts which are decorated by students. The sculpture then becomes a permanent part of the school. The project is called “Stomper” because of their symbolism of helping to stomp out mental health stigma. Come down to Huntingdon high school on September 16 to the high school’s sculpture, Lumen.
Huntingdon County Library will be hosting an All Artists Welcome club. They will be creating a mini canvas fall tree painting from 5-6pm and will then have make and takes kits available until 7pm.
Juniata Brewing Company will be hosting a Open Mic Night!

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