Chalk the Walk at Art Walk Huntingdon, Thursday, April 21

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Chalk the Walk at Art Walk Huntingdon, Thursday, April 21


Chalk The Walk

Join us at Art Walk Huntingdon, Thursday, April 21, from 5 to 8 pm, at the new Huntingdon County Arts Center, (formerly the 12th Street Methodist Church), at the corner of 12th & Mifflin St, Huntingdon.

The Juniata Valley Art Club will be helping us Chalk the Walk.
The Huntingdon County Arts Center has a lot of sidewalk, so come out and add your creativity to our new location.

Other venues are also participating in Art Walk Huntingdon.

  • Standing Stone Coffee Company will have live music from duo, Byrne & Lovett 5-7pm.
  • Juniata Brewing Company will be hosting pendulum painting!
  • Huntingdon County Library will be handing out mini canvases and watercolor sets during National Library Week starting April 4th. They would like patrons to pick up a kit, work on a painting and then bring it back to the library by April 20th and they will have a “gallery opening” during Art Walk on the 21st. They will be showing all the canvases and providing light refreshments.
  • The Wildflower Cafe will feature artist Alicia Monahan who will be doing a make and take Wildflower acrylic canvas painting. They will also be having live music by Zoie Litzinger, an acoustic singer song writer.

Art Walk Huntingdon is held on the third Thursday of each month.

Check out the Facebook page for list of locations and art activities for a fun filled night.

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