Folk College 2020 Postponed

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Folk College 2020 Postponed


Folk College is about our passion for people and music and a major initiative of the Huntingdon County Arts Council. It is a supportive community of folk music lovers that keeps growing and evolving to meet the needs of musicians of all levels and backgrounds. The sense of community is what we love most about Folk College. Obviously we need to put everyone’s health and safety first, so we must postpone Folk College for May 2020.

On a brighter note, we’ll be able to offer this year’s line-up next year. Just about all of our teacher have committed for Folk College 2021, including John McCutcheon, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, The Appleseed Collective, Vidar Skrede, Randy Gosa, and most of the others. We’re thrilled to have this fabulous line-up in our Folk College future!

With the COVID-19 restrictions and school closings, it also means we will not be able to take our Folk College musicians into the schools–one of favorite ways to enrich the lives of our students through the arts in Huntingdon County.

Folk College is a significant part of the Huntingdon County Arts Council’s income each year, and helps fund many of our other programs. Even though we have postponed Folk College, we did incur promotional expenses. We will need to rely on you even more to help support the Huntingdon County Arts Council with your membership and we would certainly welcome any donations to help us cover these losses.

Meanwhile, we hope that our fall event, Greenwood Furnace Folk Gathering, will be a lovely, healthy, music-filled festival for us all! Please save the weekend of September 11-13, 2020, check for specifics (coming soon), and hopefully the pandemic will be a thing of the past.

That’s the way that the world goes ’round.
You’re up one day and the next you’re down.
– John Prine

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