Get Involved

Ways to Get Involved and Support the Huntingdon County Arts Council

Please join us in supporting the arts in Huntingdon County by becoming a member of the Huntingdon County Arts Council.

Your membership provides you with:

  • Pride in supporting the arts and improving the quality of life in Huntingdon County
  • Discounts on Arts Council sponsored events and all sales at the Art Space, including the Holiday Shoppe (see announcement below)
  • Newsletters and postcards to keep you informed on the Arts Council’s events & activities
  • Invitations to our exhibits and events
  • Opportunities to participate directly in the activities and programs

We have seven different memberships levels, from Individual, Family, and with higher support tiers.

All memberships will begin on January 1 and end on December 31. Members will now receive a membership card that can be used to obtain multiple discounts. In particular, you can use the membership card to receive a 10% discount on all items sold at Huntingdon County Arts Center’s Art Shoppe, including items sold at our end-of-the-year Holiday Shoppe.

Members also will receive discounts on the two Folk College concerts in May.

We can submit your membership by check (via the mail) or by credit card:

  • To submit a membership by check, please fill out the Membership Form 2024 and make check out to HCAC and mail to: HCAC, 313 12th Street, Huntingdon PA 16652.
  • To pay by credit card, select the button below. It will open a page to pay with a PayPal account OR you can click the bottom button to pay directly with a debit or credit card.



Contact the Arts Council about volunteering at any number of the events.  It’s a great way to get involved with the local community and share your appreciation for the Arts.



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