Dual Exhibits Open Now: Silver Linings, a Call for Entries Exhibit, and Quilter See the LIGHT

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Dual Exhibits Open Now: Silver Linings, a Call for Entries Exhibit, and Quilter See the LIGHT


For the eighth time, The Huntingdon County Arts Council will hold a Call for Entries show.
This show will run from May 12 to June 3, with the theme will be Silver Linings.

We have had great call-for-entry shows in the past, including Equinox in 2022, Luminosity in 2019, Along the Juniata in 2018, Latitude, Longitude: Celebrating the 250 years of Huntingdon Borough in 2017, Explore, Reclaim, and Conserve: Huntingdon County in 2016, Contours in 2015, and The Raven in 2014. 

Call-for-entry shows are popular with the public and provide a great opportunity for all of our local artists to show their work.
This will be the first Call for Entries show in the new Arts Center.


As a special bonus, a second exhibit will also open: Quilters See the LIGHT.
A collection of 31 quilts with the theme Light was a challenge issued to six different quilt organizations.
The 31 quilts are 24 by 24 inches each.

Four of the quilts were made by members of the local Redbud Quilt Guild.

Both exhibits are at the Huntingdon County Arts Center, 313 12th Street, Huntingdon.
The exhibits are open Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

As always, admission to the exhibits is free.


And while you are at the Huntingdon County Arts Center, please check out our Art Shoppe–a collection of artwork and other items from local artists that are for sale.

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