Monthly Archives: February 2020

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Color, Shape, Texture Exhibit


The Art Space is closed following the Governor’s directive on March 16. You are invited to the new exhibit Color, Shape, Texture: Drawings & Textiles at The Art Space in downtown Huntingdon.   Two distinctive art forms demonstrate the blending of color, shape, and texture in this unique exhibit. Paul Amato uses an assortment of pens, markers,

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Three Tales of the Big Bad Wolf by the Huntingdon Dance Academy on March 13 & 14

Huntingdon Dance Company Production Canceled


The Huntingdon Dance Company production of Three Tales of the Big Bag Wolf has been cancelled? In response to the COVID-19 virus situation Juniata College has canceled all public events and gatherings hosted at the College, which includes the Huntingdon Dance Company’s production of Three Tales of the Big Bad Wolf set for this weekend

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Dojo Exhibit in February


 Dojo Exhibit is a group show featuring Penn State College of Arts and Architecture Communications interns and their supervisor, Stephanie Swindle Thomas, who is director of social media and visual assets.   Each person’s work is from their individual photography practice, emphasizing the diversity of their personal styles rather than the similarity of their training or

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