Monthly Archives: November 2021

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Support the Arts


The Huntingdon County Arts Council conducts a fundraising campaign every fall. Although memberships are very important to us, we can’t survive on membership fees alone. That is why we need to ask everyone, members as well as nonmembers, to contribute a little something extra as the year draws to a close.  We could provide you

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Fall Newsletter is Here


Check out the latest from the Huntingdon County Arts Council in our Fall 2021 newsletter. Inside you will find: Holiday Shoppe opens November 17 Mail Campaign Begins Donate While Shopping Annual Meeting December 8 Camera Club Exhibit Returns Fiber ArtsFest was Touchable Art New Book by Jack Troy More poetry Artist Spotlight: Rebecca Reck Folk Gathering Shines Why

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Holiday Shoppe– Your Place for Great Gifts


Have you started shopping for gifts for the holiday season yet? Pottery, jewelry, paintings, and other items from local artists make wonderful presents, and you can purchase items like these from the Art Council’s annual Holiday Shoppe. This year we are featuring a large number of local artists, including Eileen Butchkoski, Bill Crownover, Carolanne Currier,

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Huntingdon Regional Ballet


The Huntingdon Dance Academy is approaching our 10th Anniversary! The Academy was established in 2012 and the affiliated Huntingdon Dance Company in 2014.  As we enter our second decade several exciting transformations are underway. Over the past decade the company’s reach and reputation has grown from strictly local to a more regional presence.  Our ballet

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You’re Invited to our Annual Meeting, December 8


The Huntingdon County Arts Council is inviting you to our Annual Meeting on Wednesday, December 9 at 7 p.m. both at The Playhouse at McConnellstown AND via Zoom. The Annual Meeting is open to all members of the Huntingdon County Arts Council. The brief meeting will give an update on the past year, highlight some plans for

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