Support the Arts
Category:UpdatesThe Huntingdon County Arts Council conducts a fundraising campaign every fall. Although memberships are very important to us, we can’t survive on membership fees alone. That is why we need to ask everyone, members as well as nonmembers, to contribute a little something extra as the year draws to a close.
We could provide you with a long list of specific activities and events that we sponsor every year. But if you have checked out the rest of our website, you probably are aware already of everything that we do.
Instead, we want to emphasize how critical your support is, not only to us, but to our entire community. Through your contributions, you bring art, music, and culture to Huntingdon County. The Arts Council is simply an organization that turns your goodwill into reality. We work hard, but everything we do starts with you.
We hope that you feel good about making Huntingdon County a more interesting and colorful place to live. Please respond generously. Let’s work together to make good things happen here!
Make a Donation Today
The Huntingdon County Arts Council is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
We accept donations by check or by credit card:
- To make a donation by check, please make check out to HCAC and mail to: HCAC PO Box 216, Huntingdon PA 16652.
- To pay by credit card, select the Donate button below. It will open a page to pay with a PayPal account OR you can click the bottom button to pay directly with a debit or credit card.